First Post

February 9, 2010

02 09 10

I have started this blog to help the younger generation understand my sense of humor and the triggers for my memory. I teach at a college. My students have a difficult understanding my references. I have warned them that I am going to start a blog to help them.

They have not read the books I have read, they have not seen the movies I have seen, in fact, they have never bought camera film. I told a joke in class one day. “A man goes to his doctor and claims he has the song ‘she’s a lady’ running in his head and he can get rid of it. The doc tells him that they call it the Tom Jones syndrome. The man asks if it is rare. The doc tells him that it’s not unusual.” No one in the class got the joke. The students don’t know She’s a Lady, It’s not Unusual, or even Tom Jones. This blog is for them.

I intend to put up an annotated list of books and movies that the students should know about. I may even put up a list of music. None of the students know that the Who sings all the theme songs for CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI New York. If you are of my generation you know how old you feel when the younger generation have never seen a walkman, or used a rotating knob to roll down a car window.

I knew a lot about the songs and movies of my parent’s generation. Who hasn’t seen It’s a Wonderful Life, heard Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree, or read Agatha Christie? I was a bit too young to scream over Elvis Presley, to remember Bill Haley and the Comets, or the parades when the big war was over, but I have heard the music and seen the documentaries.  I do remember the Vietnam War, the Kennedy assassinations, the Beatles coming to America, the first Moog music. My first computer had no hard drive; everything was stored in RAM and could easily be lost. I had to continually upgrade my computer to play the newest games [such as get a color monitor]. My first cell phone was huge. There were no answering machines or voice mail.

This blog is to benefit me really. As I have to keep up with the students and the material I teach, I feel the students should look back every once in a while to see where I came from. It is not too much. In fact they may even enjoy some of it.

Further postings to come.

Hello world!

February 1, 2010

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!